How to lose weight without workout ? (part2)

How to lose weight without workout ? If you want to lose weight, but you do not have the necessary knowledge and do not exercise, here are some good tips for you

In the first part of the series “How to lose weight without workout” we introduced you to the basic principles you need to learn. And now forward to the sequel! In the second part of the guide for “amateurs” you will learn how to dull the feeling of hunger in order to better control the diet, how and why you should monitor your progress and we will talk about motivation and its encouragement. You will get some more guidelines, and finally we will summarize everything from both parts.

If hunger bothers you a lot

It’s not nice to be on a diet. To lose weight, you must be calorie deficient, which means you are hungry. There is no way to avoid the discomfort, but here are some ways to reduce it:

  • Emphasize protein-rich foods, as protein is the most saturating macronutrient. 30 grams of protein can work wonders on controlling hunger. On the other hand, 30 grams of carbohydrates can even cause more hunger.
  • Emphasize fiber. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, radishes … There are many vegetables, use them to deceive hunger. They contain few calories, but a lot of water and fiber, which fill the stomach and cause a decrease in hormones that cause hunger. They also dull the fluctuations in the blood sugar curve.

  • Eat fruit. With strict restriction of carbohydrates, fructose in fruits can be a helper. It replenishes glycogen (the form in which carbohydrates are stored in the body) in the liver and can again be used as a hormonal trick. Fresh fruit does not count. Also, eat the fruit whole. Consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart problems, obesity and diabetes. There is also evidence that people who eat more of them during the diet lose weight more easily and according to the data are much more likely to prevent the return of lost weight.

There is solid scientific evidence that in addition to the other benefits of exercise, dietary consistency is also among them. People who exercise or exercise during a diet are much more likely to stick to it and are more likely to succeed.

Monitoring progress and motivation How to lose weight without workout

Here from one will follow the other. Knowing that you are progressing, that you are changing, that you are getting closer to the goal – this will motivate you more. How to lose weight without workout. When you re-enter an old garment, when you receive a compliment from a friend or colleague – it also increases motivation. It is important for overall adherence to the diet to monitor progress, and this will help you in two ways.

  • First, if you are on a diet and do not see progress or it slows down, following the changes or the lack of such you will know if a correction is needed. If you lose too much weight, increase the food a little. If you are stagnant, reduce further. Yes, it’s that simple.
  • The second benefit of tracking progress will be that it will become a very strong source of motivation. Only the rewarded work, anyway, will be seen by you as justified.

There are many ways to observe. It is easiest to get a scale (preferably electronic). Measure yourself every few days, always in the morning, always before breakfast and after going to the toilet. You must always be in the same condition when taking action. The same goes for other methods. You can use a sewing meter to take some laps and follow them. Choose places where a lot of fat accumulates. These can be the chest, abdomen, upper thighs, buttocks.

Write them down somewhere. Compare not only the last and penultimate, but the last with the previous ones. Sometimes it is necessary to look at the big picture, looking at details can play a bad joke. You can take pictures “before” and “after” and report on the progress. Be sure to look in the mirror. Take a pair of old jeans and you can judge by them whether your circumference is decreasing. It is not so important which one you choose, but watch! This way you will be able to make adjustments and be additionally motivated.

And one more thing that only applies to women: pay attention to which week of the cycle you measure yourself. In some women, the deviation due to water retention can reach 4 kilograms. It doesn’t hurt to keep track of each week, but when you compare the numbers and you don’t get the bills, it’s best to compare the first week of the cycle with the first of the next, and so on. Sometimes you may think that the diet has failed, but in fact it is not.

A little more motivation How to lose weight without workout

Sometimes just explaining the positives is not enough. Some people need fear – after all, it is the strongest motivator. Some of you read this just because you want to get in shape for summer, or a prom, or a vacation at the sea. Some want a new boyfriend. However, some of you are high in fat. They are obese. This may lead to:

  • type 2 diabetes; high blood pressure;

  • high cholesterol; cardiovascular problems;

  • joint problems, especially in the knees and pelvis;

  • respiratory problems and sleep apnea;

  • cancers (in women most often in the breast, intestines, bile and uterus, and in men mostly in the intestines and prostate);

  • chronic back and lower back pain; complications of surgery;

  • difficulty conceiving and risk of preterm birth (especially with a BMI ≥ 35).

This is a very, very small part of the list. I didn’t even mention the problems with your social life. Don’t cause it. It is much easier to prevent all this in a few months or a year than to suffer decades later … if you experience them.

Why not go to the next level?

The article is for non-athletes and people who do not measure their food. This is something that can be changed very easily. Choose some physical activity. It doesn’t have to be something very intense or specific. Just do something. You will go far. You don’t measure your food? Why not start? Buy an electronic scale. You will spend less than BGN 20, and you will invest in your health and you will be able to use it for years. Many people underestimate the amounts they eat.

We have heard many times about people who eat “only 20 grams of muesli in the morning” for breakfast. In fact, they are 80 grams. And no, the milk is not a small cup, but a whole bowl. Learning to use a scale takes a minute or two. Downloading something takes seconds. If you are so bored, use it only the first week of the diet. However, pay attention to how much volume of a certain food what weight it has. Remember how many grams of muesli is in a tablespoon. Remember how much olive oil.

Do you have a favorite glass? The next time you pour milk, look at how many grams it collects. When cooking meat, you need to see several times the different size of steaks what weight they have. All this will help you further. Then, even if you do not weigh the food, you will always be at +/- 20% distance from the correct weight. There is another very important element here, especially for people who always explain how little they eat. Those 50 grams of cheese that you eat can actually be 120. You may realize how wrong you are. Equip yourself with an electronic scale. Worth!

Can we get everything ready?

Do you need someone else’s help? It’s not embarrassing. Everyone is good in one area and ignorant in another. In Stayfitlonger you will find a lot, a lot of information about everything that interests you. But there is no way to learn in one or even seven days. If you don’t play sports, you probably won’t bother to look for them at all. Do not worry. There are people who can give you things for granted – this is their profession. They are called registered nutritionists. Do not ask doctors, as they most often have not received the necessary training for this purpose. Nutrition is poorly represented in medical education, and this is not their job.

To summarize: what do you need to lose weight without workout ?

  • If you eat fewer calories than you expend, you will lose weight. There are no exceptions. You are not “special”.
  • Limit your diet. Do not add oil. Forget about sugar-sweetened drinks – Coca-Cola, natural juice, energy drinks and more. Use the diet versions. Eat larger salads. They will take up space in your stomach and keep you full. Reduce your portions. Instead of three slices, eat two. And do not pour extra. Nothing that “will be just a little”.
  • Stop drinking alcohol.
  • You can also choose a food group and start avoiding it. Carbohydrates are the best choice of restriction for non-athletes, so give bread, potatoes, pasta and rice a break.
  • Burn calories. Whether you’re going to run, start training, go for a walk in the evening or something, it’s still good. It will speed up the process and help adhere to the regime.
  • Occasionally take a break from your diet. Your physique and psyche will need it.

In conclusion for –  how lose weight without workout

It’s all about perseverance and will. You don’t have a special metabolism and no, this principle can’t help but work for you. Enough excuses. The goal is close and worth it. The reward is a healthier and more resilient body and a better and longer life. Success!

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