Ways to drink more water

Ways to drink more water

A few tips that will help you build a useful habit to drink water regularly

How much water did you drink today? We all know that the human body has a daily need for water. To function properly, you need to take care regularly and well for hydration, but most often forget. To such an extent that most people begin to suffer from various diseases and conditions, without realizing that chronic dehydration brought them there.

Most often you’ll hear a man say, I just do not feel thirsty. But this is not quite true. Even if you do not realize your cells desperately need water to continue their work and to do well. No, they do not need coffee or juice, namely water.

Actually, I have news for you – if you take a day in one liter of water in pure form and not feel any thirst and need to drink more – most likely it is a sign that your body is something going wrong.

Quite wrong to think that when you are thirsty, sweetened or carbonated drinks will quench this thirst. Most of them do the opposite – only cause more thirst and coffee and black teas help to dehydration as acting diuretic.

Oh, and do not feel hungry all day, but you constantly eating something – cute, salty? One of the possible culprits of this can be thirst, but mistakenly identified as a famine.

People who complain that their blackout with no apparent reason, do not force them sick or must know that a possible reason for this is the rapid dehydration. Especially if you do not drink water as needed during the day.

Among the athletes people meet and extreme views regarding the quantity of water that must be adopted, not one or two experimenting with higher amounts such as 610 liters of water a day, but it’s good to have a mind and be aware the possible risks, as excessive amounts of water loaded kidneys and will at least lead to discomfort from bloating.

However, all agree that between 2 and 3 liters a day is a good rule that you just have to learn to follow.

Just think – as you read this material in other parts of the world there is a shortage of drinking water. You do not have this problem, and leave your body tries.

In general, regular drinking water is simply missing habit, so nothing prevents you start to build one.

Here are some simple techniques to increase water intake:

  • add the water a little lemon juice;
  • add a pinch of salt to 0.5-1 liters of water (if you have high blood pressure);
  • Always wear 1-2 0.5 liter bottles with them;
  • always keep a bottle of water at your fingertips.

And here’s how to check if you need more water:

  • if you feel that your lips are dry and / or cracked – drink a glass of water;
  • if the veins on the surface of your hands are not raised – stand up slowly if the water is not near you, and drink two glasses of water;
  • drink herbal tea;
  • if you feel that your mind is not working well, first drink a glass of water.

Drinking water is like breathing, something as simple and default … and you absolutely have forgotten how. But if you want health, ensure yourself to him, the first step is to remember the voice of his body. Maybe you thirsty?