What do they call “Universal food”? – No doubt it’s about Soy

What is this legume whose seeds can replace the meat in your menu? Which makes it so valuable. Why does everyone worship him in today’s Europe? No doubt it’s about soy. From this article, you will learn the most important things about soy and its ingredients.

Should we eat soy?

Soy is suitable for all people who want to eat healthily, this is especially true for athletes, people subjected to heavy physical and mental stress, as well as for women during pregnancy.

what does soy contain?

Studies have shown that this legume is rich in protein, lecithin, omega-3 fatty acids, isoflavones and phyto-estrogens. They are also a source of vitamins B6, B9, B12, H, minerals.

B12 – stimulates the production of red blood cells and thus increases the oxygen capacity of the blood. It is directly involved in protein synthesis, which is why its importance in bodybuilding is very important.

B6 – is particularly active in protein metabolism. This makes it indispensable in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. It has been found to improve muscle metabolism and especially that of the myocardium.

H – It is a coenzyme that acts as a particularly strong stimulator of muscle cell growth. It actively participates in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty acids and therefore in the energy supply of the body.

B9 – participates in the metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids. In addition, it has a great hematopoietic effect and promotes the maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. For this reason, its deficiency manifests itself with the development of megaloblastic anemia (lack of red blood cells).


What else is in soy?

A few years ago, the antitumor ingredient genistein was discovered in it. It has been found to prevent the development of cancer cells, which has given rise to new and in-depth research and drugs. The best source of genistein are soy sprouts and ponies.

The components of soy protein that science is most interested in are its bioactive ingredients isoflavones, in particular genistein, daidzein and glycithin. Isoflavones are phytochemicals – phytoestrogens that act similarly to natural female sex hormones (estrogens), but are not steroids.

The use of isolated soy protein with its native (natural) isoflavones in a low-fat diet, such as the nutrition system of many bodybuilders in the period of clearing subcutaneous fat. In addition, it can help reduce high cholesterol levels, reduce the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol (Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol).

It is also thought to slow the formation of blood-blocking thrombosis, speed up the slow response of arteries already showing plaque (in the elderly, mainly non-athletes) and generally reduce the atherosclerosis that often accompanies aging.

Recent studies have shown that naturally occurring isoflavones and other bioactive components in soy protein reduce plaque formation in the arteries by improving the overall blood supply. That is why it is good to include soy products, both in the muscle-building training period and in the one that clears fat.

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