Weight Loss Workouts And Exercises what you should know

Weight loss workouts and exercises what you should know ?

Weight loss workouts and exercises what you should know,  You have set a goal to get rid of extra pounds and you know that you also need training.

But what kind of training?

In this article you will learn:

  • is there anything special in training during weight loss;
  • what they should be;
  • what popular traps you should beware of.

We will look at 4 popular myths about how to train if you aim to lose weight and reduce body fat. You are guaranteed to come across at least one of these myths, and if you are a beginner, you are probably fulfilling one of them. After paying attention to what does not  to be done in training, we will comment on why we train at all and how training helps us. Okay, as long as we stretch out the candies. Let’s start with the first myth about the weight loss workouts and exercises what you should know ?

Myth №1: Training with lighter weights and more repetitions

You must have heard of this myth – it is, of course, about training with lighter weights. One of the first things a person learns about training is that the heavier weights build muscle and the lighter the fat. The area between 15 and 25 repetitions is the golden mean for weight loss. I have no idea where and how this myth originated, but to this day you can hear it from the mouth of a beginner. And sometimes the mouth of a not so beginner.

There is nothing special about training with high reps and you can achieve the same results as if you train with heavier weights and lower reps. Of course, there is nothing wrong with training at a lower intensity and doing more repetitions, but do not do it just because it will make you lose weight easier. Believe me – no! In fact, care must be taken with this myth, as most repetitions significantly increase training volume, and it further complicates recovery from training, which recovery is not very good during a calorie deficit and in the process of losing weight.

Myth №2: Point reduction

The second myth is that of point reduction. It states that if you want to lose weight in a specific area of ​​your body, you must train the muscles in that area. This stimulates the use of fat for energy in the area, which leads to the desired result. You can’t help but see dozens of women and men hanging on Roman chairs in gyms doing insane numbers of series and repetitions of abdominal presses, simply because they want to lose weight.

Again, there is nothing wrong with doing abdominal presses and training the abdominal area, but believe me – this will not make the fat there melt faster. If after so many abdominal presses something will melt, it is probably the density of your spine. To date, the only scientific study that can serve to support point reduction is that of Alessandro di Palumbo and a team from 2017.However, it has a specific design, which is possibly suitable only for very specific situations, and as they say, a one bird does not  make spring.

Unlike the single study, which hints at the potential existence of point reduction, there are a number of others that show the opposite.

Myth №3: Fasting workouts, especially fasting cardio on empty stomach

Of course, if you train at all, it should be done on an empty stomach. Then the use of fats for energy is more efficient, right? In fact, the logic behind this myth is correct, and indeed, when we train after long hours of lack of food, our body is more likely to use more fat for energy. Unfortunately, this does not change the end result and this has even been scientifically proven. It turns out that our body is much smarter than we think and compensates for most of the fat used for energy during exercise with less used for the rest of the day.

Myth №4: Cardio is mandatory

And besides fasting, you can’t help but hear that the best fasting workout is cardio. Many people still consider cardio almost mandatory if a person aims to melt excess fat. Hundreds of people spend insane amounts of time every day on cardio equipment in gyms, just to get rid of extra pounds faster and easier. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with doing cardio, as long as you u

nderstand exactly how it helps you. If you understand exactly how it helps you, you will know that it is just one of the tools we can use in the weight loss process, but it is not mandatory.

We can lose weight just as effectively with or without cardio.

How do training help?

Okay, since you already know how training does NOT help you, let’s mention how it helps. Training is an important part of the weight loss process and helps in 2 main ways.

  1. They serve as an additional energy expenditure, which helps to create and maintain the calorie deficit that is needed to have a weight loss process in the long run. The energy expenditure is not very high, at least when it comes to weight training, but it’s still something.

  2. The more important contribution of training during weight loss is their help to maintain and even in certain situations increase muscle mass. For this purpose, however, the training must have a resistance, which can be your own weight, weights, rubber bands and even various materials at hand.

Here I feel how some of you say out loud “But I don’t want muscles, I don’t need them”, but believe me when I tell you – you need them. On the one hand, you need it from a purely healthy point of view, but also without enough muscle mass, it is difficult to achieve the “tight” vision that most people are looking for. With the reduction of subcutaneous body fat, if there is nothing to show from below, the end result will not be what you would like.

What should be the training during weight loss?

They should be according to your abilities. And, yes, this is perhaps both the most concrete and the most vague answer to this question. Virtually every sports activity is welcome. Above all, it is important to perform an activity that you enjoy and that you have the opportunity to follow in the long run. Remember that there are no magic workouts and exercises for weight loss, so whether it will be zumba, cango jumps, swimming or other – choose according to your individual preferences and abilities.

However, we advise you, if you have the opportunity, to include at least a minimum amount of weight training or your own weight, again according to the possibilities. Even if you do not aim to become super strong, stimulating muscle mass will help in a very different aspect.

Sources used for Weight loss workouts and exercises what you should know : 

  1. Di Palu Mbo AS, Guerra E, Orlandi C, Bazzucchi I, Sacchetti M. Effect of combined resistance and endurance exercise training on regional fat loss. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2017 Jun 1;57(6):794–801.
  2. Gwinup G, Chelvam R, Steinberg T. Thickness of subcutaneous fat and activity of underlying muscles. Ann Intern Med. 1971;74(3):408–11.
  3. Krotkiewski M, Aniansson A, Grimby G, Björntorp P, Sjöström L. The effect of unilateral isokinetic strength training on local adipose and muscle tissue morphology, thickness, and enzymes. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1979 Dec;42(4):271–81.
  4. Katch FI, Clarkson PM, Kroll W, McBride T, Wilcox A. Effects of Sit Up Exercise Training On Adipose Cell Size and Adiposity. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1984;55(3):242–7.
  5. Kostek MA, Pescatello LS, Seip RL, Angelopoulos TJ, Clarkson PM, Gordon PM, et al. Subcutaneous fat alterations resulting from an upper-body resistance training program. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Jul;39(7):1177–85.
  6. Ramírez-Campillo R, Andrade DC, Campos-Jara C, Henríquez-Olguín C, Alvarez-Lepín C, Izquierdo M. Regional fat changes induced by localized muscle endurance resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Aug;27(8):2219–24.

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