Water during meals?

To drink or not to drink water during meals?

We all know how important hydration for our health. We’ve read that water constitutes about 2/3 of our weight and that every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs water to function properly. Water is necessary for good thermoregulation, lubrication of joints and removal of waste substances from the body.

Water directly affects the elasticity of muscle fibers, which is one of the most important conditions for full workouts without cramps and strains that often keep us away from the gym, track and more.

The water in our body is not constant – it constantly spend, therefore regular Her recovery is a must for maintaining good health.

But whether it is better to drink water while eating?

It helps or harms digestion us? As always, the views here are divided into two camps. There are some basic quantities accepted for people with reduced mobility and training over the amateur level in speed-strength, martial and other sports.

Our entire digestive system work effectively only if it is well “oiled” with water. However, do constantly to “floods We” and prevents you excessive intake of water on her work?

In this paper we will examine only the arguments “for” and “against” taking extra water during meals.

“Against” drinking water during meals:

Co-administration of a large amount of water and food, and in particular cold water, could reduce the levels of acidity in the stomach and that of bile. This, in turn, slows down the digestion process and can cause stomach pains and disorders.

“For ‘drinking water during meals:

Some medics drinking water during meals not only does not interfere with digestion, but even assist by further liquefy food and makes it easier to digest. As we know, our stomach is able to process only liquid food, not hard, that’s why having to chew until it is liquefied before you swallow.

So who is right?

Here, as in many other cases, the truth is somewhere in between. Water is undoubtedly vital to any process in our body and digestive is no exception. Here are some simple rules to follow to suffer any digestive or hydration of the body:

  • Hydrates are full during the day – take adequate amount of fluids throughout the day to avoid having to swallow large amounts of water with food. A basic guideline could you be as follows: personal weight divided by two and multiplied in ounces. About 90 kg athlete, respectively 45h28.35 = about 1.3 liters per day. It is recommended, but others say the absolute minimum amount adopted within one day. Of course, actively trainees need much higher doses, everything is strictly indivualno and often depends on our daily lives and in athletes – from the stage of preparation, eating plan and others.
  • Drink water before meals – if you ever you are hungry during the food or immediately after meals, it may be a sign that you do not take enough water during the day. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before you sit down at the table to reduce their thirst afterwards.
  • Drink in small sips – if you were to take water while eating, do it at a very small sips, several times during the meal. Do not drink large amounts of water at a time during or immediately after a meal.
  • Prefer hot water instead of cold – so will greatly facilitate the work of the stomach. Poet in small sips tea or homemade broth may even help your digestion. This is particularly useful to those whose patency of the bowel is reduced and suffer from constipation.
  • Seek the middle way – nobody needs extremes even in drinking water. Drink enough, but not hyperhydrate. In an effort to stay well hydrated, many people drink of water, which even taken on an empty stomach, limiting the activity of many systems, including the digestive. Inefficient digestion leads to accumulation of toxic substances in the body, no matter how healthy the food we take.
  • If you practice power-speed sports that determine short, strenuous activities (athletics, wrestling, weightlifting), take small amounts of water between training approaches (series stretches rounds) to keep your body hydrated without water discomfort, prevent a given exercise.
  • In case of prolonged low intensity loads (long crosses or biking, hiking, etc.). Add a pinch of natural salt in the bottle with water. Do not overdo it, determine the amount of salt according to taste of water – it must not become salty.
  • Choose water at approximately neutral pH, quite statistics and research unite around the number 7 (6.5-8.5).
  • Begin and end your day with 2-3 glasses of tepid to warm water.



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