Training intensity – How to Achieve a Better Effect in less time

Training intensity , The human body has the ability to adapt to difficulties during training. If you train with the same weight for a longer period of time, you will notice that your body is accustomed to the load and it is almost minimal. Workout intensity Motor processes such as walking do not create the intensity needed for muscle growth. This requires training impulses that make up at least 60% of the maximum achievement.

Active athletes train on average to the submaximal range of their abilities, ie with weights between 60-85% of the maximum opportunity for one repetition. For a workout to be complete, it must be intense enough. The intensity is determined by the range of your maximum capabilities and the time to complete one of your workouts. The best workout is one in which you invest 65-85% of your maximum potential for about 35-50 minutes. By training fast, hard and intensely, your success is tied in a towel. To be able to do a really good intense workout, however, you need a healthy psyche, experience in sports and most of all physical endurance.

The fact is that most beginners believe that the longer they spend in a sports center, the greater their achievements will be. This is a big misconception and a reason for a decline in enthusiasm and motivation. If one of your workouts lasts more than 55-65 minutes, then you certainly train with no more than 35-45% of your capabilities. In this way, the results of training will be minimal, even negligible, which is why many of those entering the sport give up at the very beginning.

How do we know if we are really training intensely?

The training is with good intensity when we put maximum effort for a minimum period of time. Naturally, by such time we mean not less than 30-35 minutes. However, do not overdo the loads.

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