Trace Elements or Micro Elements – The Molecules of health

Trace Elements or Micro Elements ? – A guide to the chemical elements that keep the body alive

Traditional multivitamins contain all ten essential trace elements. However, they often do not include new candidates for the group of supporting minerals. Find out which substances they are and whether your vitamins provide you with adequate doses of them.

Why “trace elements”?

Trace elements are minerals that are found in small, microscopic amounts in the body, without which, however, his health is subjected to enormous tests. The original trace elements are: cobalt, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, sulfur and zinc. I put sulfur in macronutrients, because according to many modern researchers it has a key character in the metabolism of the athlete. Boron, silicon (silicone) and vanadium are considered important for the overall (holistic and sports) diet in modern man, but are not yet accepted in the family of trace elements.



The body needs micro-amounts of boron to maintain bone health and muscle growth because it promotes the formation of natural steroid molecules. The metabolism of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is related to the metabolism of boron, so its deficiency can upset the metabolism of macronutrients. Boron stimulates the brain by improving its ability to draw energy from fats and sugars.


Pine can be obtained from the following foods: leafy vegetables, nuts, cereals, carrots, apples, pears and grapes.

Recommended daily dose :

  •  Men: 2 to 3 mg / day
  • Women: 2 to 3 mg / day


Do not take more than 3 mg. pine daily!



Vanadium is required for cellular metabolism and bone and tooth formation. It plays a role in the growth and reproduction of the body. It has been shown to inhibit cholesterol synthesis and improve insulin utilization and thus improve glucose tolerance. Vanadium is not easily absorbed by the body. The needs of vanadium in athletes are increased.


Vanadium contains meat, fish, vegetable oils, some legumes, whole grains, dill, olives, radishes.

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 1.8 mg / day;
  • Women: 1.8 mg / day.


There is believed to be an interaction between vanadium and chromium. If you take both minerals, such as vanadium sulfate and chromium picolinate, take them at different times to fully absorb them.



Germany improves the oxidative processes in cells. Participates in the suppression of pain and helps expel toxins and poisons from the body. It is believed to improve the activity of the immune system. Like hemoglobin, it helps enrich tissues with oxygen.


Germanium is found in all organic matter, both of animal and plant origin. The highest concentration of germanium is in: broccoli, celery, garlic, milk, onions, tomato juice, sauerkraut.

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 150 mg / day;
  • Women: 150 mg / day.


It is best to take germanium with food.



The most important function of iron in the body is its participation in the structure of oxygen-carrying proteins: hemoglobin and myoglobin. Compared to other minerals, iron has the highest content in the blood. The composition of many enzymes is necessary and is important for the growth of the organism. Iron is important for the normal functioning of the immune system and energy production.


Iron is found in eggs, fish, liver, meat, poultry, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

Recommended daily dose:


  • 14 to 18 years of age, 11 mg / day;
  • 18 to 70 years of age 8 mg / day;



  • 14 to 18 years – 15 mg / day;
  • 18 to 50 years – 18 mg / day; 50 and older – 8 mg / day.


Do not take additional doses of iron (above the prescribed) for a long period of time without a diagnosis – anemia!



Although needed in microquantities, iodine is needed for the metabolism of excess fat. It is an important factor for the physical and mental development of man. It is needed to maintain the normal condition of the thyroid gland. Lack of iodine can suppress the production of thyroid hormone, which is associated with many negative health effects.


Rich in iodine are: iodized salt, seafood, saltwater fish, asparagus, garlic, sea salt, sesame seeds and more.

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 150 mcg (micrograms) ./ day;
  • Women: 150 mcg (micrograms) ./ day.


Some foods block the absorption of iodine when taken raw and in large quantities. These are: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, potatoes, cauliflower, peaches, pears, spinach and more.



Microorganisms of manganese are necessary for the metabolism of proteins and fats, for the normal functions of the immune and nervous systems, as well as for the regulation of blood glucose. Manganese is involved in the processes that generate energy in the body. In addition, it is needed for bone growth and health, as well as for the reproductive system. Participates in the formation of cartilage and synovial fluid in the joints. This trace element is needed for the utilization of vitamins B1 and E. A key element is in the production of enzymes needed for fat oxidation and purine metabolism. An example of this is the role of manganese in the production of the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.


You can get the most manganese by consuming whole grains, seeds, nuts, seafood and last but not least avocados.

Recommended daily dose:


  • 14 to 18 years of age, 2.2 mg / day;
  • 18 to 70 years of age, 2.3 mg / day;


  • 14 to 18 years – 1.6 mg / day;
  • 18 to 50 years – 1.8 mg / day.



Along with its many functions, copper promotes the formation of hemoglobin, red blood cells and bone tissue. In the body, the mineral maintains the necessary balance with the amounts of zinc and vitamin C, in the formation of the protein elastin, which gives the skin elasticity. Copper is also involved in the processes: energy production, hair coloring, wound healing, skin coloring and in giving taste buds. It is also needed to maintain the health of joints and nerve cells.


Contained in: mushrooms, nuts, seafood, broccoli, avocado, beans, beets, oats, lentils, liver, oranges, raisins, salmon, soybeans and green leafy vegetables.

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 0.9 mg / day (0.89 mg / day for adolescents);
  • Women: 0.9 mg / day (0.89 mg / day for adolescents).


In the body, the level of copper is related to the levels of zinc and vitamin C in inverse proportion. Consuming more zinc / vitamin C will reduce copper levels and vice versa.



Although needed in minimal amounts, the mineral is indispensable for nitrogen metabolism. It is involved in the final stages of the conversion of purines to uric acid. Molybdenum promotes the normal functioning of nerve cells and is a component of the metabolic enzyme xanthine oxidase. You can find molybdenum in a person’s liver, bones and kidneys. The trace element supports bone growth and strengthens teeth.


You can get molybdenum by eating grains, legumes, peas and dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, sorrel, etc.)

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 45 mcg / day (43 mcg / day for adolescents);
  • Women: 45 mcg / day (43 mcg / day for adolescents).


Heat and moisture change the action of the mineral molybdenum. Consumption of large amounts of sulfur lowers molybdenum levels in the body. Excessive consumption of molybdenum impairs copper metabolism.



The most important function of selenium is its participation in the composition of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which inhibits fat oxidation. This enzyme is vital and works in sync with vitamin E. The two substances work synergistically (mutually reinforcing, together) in the production of antibodies and help maintain good heart and liver health. Selenium is necessary for the proper functioning of the pancreas and for tissue elasticity. Protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals that damage healthy tissues.


Selenium is contained in cereals according to its level in the soil where they grew. It accumulates in the meat and lungs of animals and birds fed selenium-rich grains. The same goes for animal by-products: milk and eggs. You can also get selenium from: seafood, garlic, onions, seaweed, brewer’s yeast, broccoli and brown rice.

Recommended daily dose:

  • Men: 55 mcg. (microgram) / day;
  • Women: 55 mcg. (microgram) / day.


Doses up to 200 mcg. selenium / day is considered safe. You should not take more than 40 mcg. selenium daily in case you are pregnant.



Silicon is an extremely widespread element on the planet. In terms of distribution, only oxygen precedes it. In the human body, however, it is a micro participant. It is needed for the formation of collagen for connective tissue and bones, to maintain the normal condition of hair, nails and skin. It is needed for calcium absorption during growth in children and adolescents. It plays an important role in maintaining the elasticity of the arteries, so it is used in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Silicon neutralizes the effect of aluminum on the body, is used in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. Suppresses aging and stimulates the immune system. The level of silicon in the body decreases with age, so older people need higher doses.


You can get silicon from alfalfa sprouts, brown rice, cambi peppers, green olives, soy, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

Recommended daily dose:

There is no consensus on whether silicon (silicone) is an indispensable mineral for humans or not. There is no established daily dose. Recommendations vary widely between health organizations, so I wrote the lowest recommended value below.

  • Men: 10 to 40 mg / day;
  • Women: 10 to 40 mg / day.


Functions: Due to its participation in glucose metabolism, chromium is also called glucose tolerance factor. This essential mineral maintains stable blood glucose levels and improves insulin function. It is necessary for the production of energy in the body, it is vital for the synthesis of cholesterol, proteins and fats. More information about chromium, you can get from the article chromium – what do we need in addition?


You can find chromium in the following food sources: brewer’s yeast, brown rice, cheese, meat, whole grains, liver, eggs, mushrooms, seaweed and more.

Recommended daily dose:


  • 14 to 50 years of age, 35 mcg / day;
  • 50 years and older 30 mcg / day.


  • 14 to 18 years of age, 24 mcg / day;
  • 19 to 50 years 25 mcg / day;
  • 50 years and older at 20 mcg / day.


Do not take doses higher than 200 mcg / day, because of the risk of intoxication!




This essential mineral is important for the growth of the reproductive organs and the functions of the prostate gland. Regulates the activity of sebaceous glands and helps prevent acne. Needed for protein synthesis, incl. and skin protein collagen. Supports wound healing and overall – the functions of the immune system. Zinc improves taste and smell. It also protects the liver from damage and participates in the formation of bone tissue.

Zinc is a component of insulin, as well as a number of vital enzymes, including the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. The mineral suppresses the formation of free radicals. Zinc is important for maintaining a normal concentration of vitamin E in the blood and for increasing the absorption of vitamin A. To maintain good health, it is desirable to maintain a ratio of 1:10 between the levels of copper and zinc in the body.


If you want to get zinc from food, focus on the following foods and food groups: fish, seaweed, legumes, meat, liver, poultry, seafood, whole grains and more.

Recommended daily dose:


  • 14 years and older 11 mg / day. 


  • 14 to 18 years of age 9 mg / day;
  • 19 years and older 8 mg / day.


  • A significant amount of zinc is lost through sweating;
  • If you take supplements containing zinc and iron, take them at different times to avoid their binding and thus reduce their absorption.

* – The recommended daily allowance is in accordance with the Department of Agriculture in the United States from the Department of Nutrition, as well as from the American Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

Source used for Trace Elements or Micro Elements  :