The spices – The big world of little secrets

The spices  Pleasure often graves people’s faces thanks to the little “secrets” that give a specific look to everything they touch. They are rarely seen, and their presence makes people admit that the food is “delicious”, that the drink has an “amazing scent, and the shampoo smells “nice”. Spices are those final touches that the artist applies to the white canvas and turns it into a masterpiece.

Using spices doesn’t just mean sprinkling your sandwich with pepper or putting tobasco sauce on chicken wings. Spices have so many functions – they are sacred objects, aphrodisiacs, make food tastier and are full of antioxidants. Spices are synonymous with uniqueness. Like artists, spices are often left behind in the spotlight and are not talked about much.

Therefore, this article aims to acquaint readers with the rich and colorful world of “little secrets”, which extends from the table to the industry.

Spices – as old as the world

The history of spices is colorful and full of many interesting facts, revealing a specific and very important function – social. In ancient Egypt, spices were used to mummify important people. Aromatic herbs were even “embedded” in the grave of the deceased to take them to his next life. In the Middle Ages, salt was served on the table in large blocks.

She was placed closest to the richest guest. The poorer guests sat at the end of the table or “under the salt”, whence the famous expression. In the same period, spices became a subject of trade. Rich people paid a lot to get rare flavors, mainly from China. those times were judged by what foods and how many spices were served at their evening parties.Studies show that medieval foods were heavily seasoned with pepper, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and ground corn.

For a long time, spices also played an important role in psychology. Aromas such as lavender, saffron, chamomile, sage and more. have been used to stimulate mood and memory. The life of spices is accompanied by many legends about their healing and magical power. In those days there was a belief that fragrant herbs and roots grew in the Garden of Eden.

Many explorers and travelers have spent years searching for the divine place. An interesting example of this is cloves, which have gradually become a highly valued spice. Its discovery was part of Christopher Columbus’ famous expedition to the New World.

Give a Taste to your life

According to the American Spice Association, people first used aromatic herbs about 50,000 years before the New Age, when they discovered that certain types of leaves gave meat a specific taste. Assyrian letters from before 2300 BC state that before the creation of the world, the Lord drank wine made from fermented sesame seeds.

In 50 BC, the Romans brought mustard seeds to England. Columbus, Magellan and Vasco da Gama discovered the routes of the spices and their suppliers. Spices become a treasure and a currency. In 1969, they reached the moon, and 14 years later, the British discovered that ground ginger was twice as powerful a means of fighting seasickness as medicine.

Cinnamon is one of the useful spices for human health, used to prevent diabetes. Richard Anderson, a researcher at the US Department of Agriculture, found that the presence of 3 types of protein is essential for insulin signaling, glucose movement and the excitatory response to the breakdown of sugars.

The insulin properties of cinnamon are due to the release of these proteins. His research shows that even a teaspoon of cinnamon a day helps to reduce by 10 to 30% the risk of factors associated with the so-called. metabolic syndrome – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels.

What exactly are spices?

Spices are substances extracted from the roots and bark of trees, buds and fruits of plants. They retain their properties for a very long time if stored properly. Spices are a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radical attacks on the body. They contain phytonutrients that protect healthy cells from mutation in cancer.

One of the main advantages of using spices over normal drugs is the reduced side effects due to the low concentration of active substances. It is important to know that people with established allergies, children, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before starting treatment with spices.

Spices are also a great tool for quick relief, as they are absorbed in a flash. Their only drawback is that due to their bulk, they must be accurately measured and dosed.

Here is a list of some of the more famous spices and their healing effects:


Garlic is one of the most famous and widely used spices. It is a powerful weapon to fight inflammation and a natural antibiotic. It has been found to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure.


A common spice in almost every household, nutmeg is a natural stimulant for the cardiovascular system. It is also known to soothe joint inflammation in gout. However, this spice should be used very carefully, as higher doses of it can be toxic. It should not be used by pregnant women or children.


Ginger has many medicinal uses. It is very effective against seasickness and general malaise. It is also used to relieve menstrual pain and nausea due to chemotherapy.


It is most often used to treat colic and gas in children. It has a strong detoxifying and deuretic effect.


Cloves are a great antiseptic used to treat stomach upsets and diarrhea.


This spice has a calming effect on the digestive system. In the form of oil it is used for body massage and enhances blood circulation.


The repair is used to treat non-arthritis, dysentery and heart disease. It is also known to reduce the risk of some cancers by attacking free radicals.

Red hot pepper

This type of pepper can be used both with food and in contact with the skin. The substance contained in it, which contributes to the spicy taste, is used as an active ingredient in many painkillers. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion.


Our well-known chervil is used not only for the preparation of aromatic soups but also for the relief of heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


This spice has a calming effect on the digestive system, is used to relieve colic and general malaise accompanied by nausea.


In addition to the properties described above for controlling blood sugar levels in diabetes, the aromatic ingredient has the property of relieving the symptoms of a urinary tract infection.


It is used to relieve respiratory problems as well as digestive disorders.


Studies show that this spice has a positive effect on the destruction of cancer cells that cause leukemia. In conclusion, we can say that the world of “little secrets” is as vast as the sea and big as the world. One thing is for sure – their many beneficial effects make them a favorite guest at every table and a valuable ingredient in many industries. what kind of spice to stop your choice in both cases.

There is only one answer – experiment!

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