Reduce Stress with Diet and Exercise – Workouts and Benefits

Reduce stress with workout Fitness, nutrition and stress

Learn more about the mistakes that predispose us to allergies!

Allergies are diseases of the immune system in general. They are expressed in overreactions of inflammation due to contact of the body with an allergen (“trigger of an immune reaction”). From this material you will learn what allergies have to do with bodybuilding.

Cause and consequences

What is the difference between a non-athlete and a power sportsman in terms of biology?

The second is subjected to many times greater biological stress. During prolonged physical activity, our metabolism accelerates.

What is happening to our immune system at this time?

The function that cells perform in the immune system is to prevent and prevent invasions by foreign organisms, toxins and toxic elements, as well as the “ingestion” of mutated own cells. Our immune system has its representatives in every living tissue in our bodies, located in immune centers. It is controlled by specific areas in the cerebral cortex.

Our immune system has its representatives in every living tissue in our bodies, located in immune centers. It is controlled by specific areas in the cerebral cortex. This is accomplished through complexly coordinated interactions between recognizing and marking (antigens) that read DNA memory and destroying (antibody) “intruder” protein agents produced by immune cells.

At the cellular and molecular level, the immune system does a tremendous amount of work through thousands of types of reactions. In this way the air, water, food that we eat are constantly purified, the populations of microorganisms in our bodies are controlled, the constancy of the environment is maintained (homeostasis). This is where stress comes in. After its onset, the immune system works slowly and cannot process huge amounts of material, and is often hampered by various types of deficiency – vitamin, mineral, amino acid, free energy deficiency.

How do our bodies avoid collapse?

This is done through constant over-recovery (replenishment), which requires additional amounts of essential amino acids and fats, vitamins, energy, trace elements, bases and antioxidants. However, in order for re-stocking to be possible, it is necessary to observe the basic principle of evolution – gradualness! Otherwise, overtraining is the sad consequence of a poorly thought-out cycle of training, nutrition and recovery.

Frequent overtraining shortens the athlete’s athletic life, lowers the bar of his success and crushes the health and psyche of the individual as a whole. Anemia, injuries follow, and with systemic doping abuse and malnutrition, things get worse. Many athletes suffer from allergies.

What is an allergy?

Allergy is a disease of the immune system in general. They are expressed in overreactions of inflammation due to contact of the body with an allergen (“trigger of an immune reaction”). Simply put, our immune cells receive a false alarm and start rumbling everything in their path, no matter their own or someone else’s.

Medicine is divided into 2 branches in relation to allergies – conventional and biological

The first focused on preventing acute allergies, preventing inflammatory conditions leading to shock. Conventional medicine does NOT cure allergies. Biological medicine recognizes 2 main types of allergies – delayed and so-called. hidden (chronic) allergies. This type of medicine successfully treats allergies through homeopathy, sports and diet.

The main cause of allergies is environmental pollution, which has a stressful effect on civilized, urbanized people. Constant stress leads to the mentioned overload of the immune system and, accordingly, to errors in the coding of the information stored by specific immune cells. At one point, a blockage occurs and the allergy occurs. It is expressed in an illogical reaction of the body to the allergen.

The immune system behaves like crazy! Local or complete secretion of inflammatory hormones such as histamine, for example, begins. An autoimmune reaction can occur, our own white blood cells phagocytose our own tissues. The consequences can be fatal. Of course, everything can be more harmless – hidden. Swelling and pain in the knee joint are not uncommon for strength athletes. It is unusual for them to occur in the absence of load, however.

Haven’t you had an unexplained inflammation? Conventional medicine does not delve into the diagnosis, attributing it to a cold, virus, or physical trauma. And you, failing to explain the situation, accept a false diagnosis. In strength athletes, and in particular in bodybuilders, the risk is increased along with stress. Many suffer from eczema and fungus, gastritis or hemorrhoids. This is due to insufficient internal and external hygiene, improper nutrition and nutrition, invisible deficiencies of substances in food, low-quality sports foods, steroids.

The phenomenon of “overloaded immune system” is not unknown to professionals. Behind the scenes on the competition stages and in the sports halls, many professionals inhale a dose or two of their inhaler spray, others apply painkillers, etc. The digestive system and in particular the lining of the gastrointestinal tract is the largest active center of the immune system, with an area of ​​over 150 sq.m. The main reasons threatening the athlete are what made me write this article. The answer to the next question will clarify them.

The role of food and nutrition in the occurrence of allergies and allergic reactions in strength athletes and bodybuilders

reduce stress with workout

This category of people is most at risk from food for several reasons: Fatigue is both depletion of the current amount of fuel for each cell and clogging of the intracellular space with waste metabolic products – lactic acid, protein waste, urea, ketones and others. Biological recovery time is required.

The more congested the cell system, the longer time and energy expenditure will be required for this recovery. So far we know everything, let’s look at everything from another angle.

  • Respiratory rate and volume increase;
  • We consume part of our reserve energy potential, and as a result fatigue occurs;
  • The threat is based on the contamination of food by industry, whether accidentally or intentionally, we know the massiveness of this phenomenon .It is these “foreign” to natural food “fillers” in the products that the athlete eats in the city cause allergies. The threat is avoided by consuming only tested food.
  • Failure to digest large amounts of food clogs the intestinal mucosa and leads to putrefactive processes. Simple sugars easily ferment to toxic alcohols. 

Excessive consumption of protein and corresponding indigestion leads to serious rot, whose products are no less poisonous than alcohol (example of overeating with meat – indole, skatole).

Melanoids (products of a mixed type of diet – proteins and carbohydrates) often waste food and slow down excretion. In the case of long-term food abuse (nutrition, monotonous diet, incorrect combinations, etc.), the absorption of vitamins through the lining of the small intestine is reduced. This puts extra strain on the athlete’s immune system.

  • Acid stress is another cause of allergies. It is strongest among athletes and hard workers. The blame for the increased acidity of the body in athletes is shared between the intake of acid-forming foods, as well as the increased oxidation of glucose to lactic acid in muscle cells. To break down and get rid of lactic acid, the body needs bases that it cannot produce on its own. Obtains them through food – fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cold pressed vegetable oils, soda.

  • Dietary uniformity in bodybuilders is another risk factor. It is a well-functioning, but somehow dry diet – “brown rice, potatoes, protein and chicken breast”.

On the mucosa of the entire gastrointestinal tract is a protective immune wall of specific antibodies – immunoglobulins “A”. Their task is to capture and recognize foreign bodies in time before they enter the blood and lymph. A monotonous diet disrupts the natural recognition mechanism and leads to gaps in the work of these antibodies. The abuse of simple sugars leads to an increase in the population of candida fungi, this becomes almost explosive, creating conditions for low digestibility. The body can react through colitis, and eventually ulcers and allergies.

  • Overeating and malnutrition. Amateur athletes who use steroids eat huge amounts of poor quality food or do not eat enough. This puts extra strain on the hormone-affected metabolic pathways. There are prerequisites for allergies. What has been written so far raises many questions for the trainee: “How to avoid all this?”, “Which food is right for me and which is not?”, “I have a lot of allergies, but I want to play sports, can I train and treat my allergies?” at the same time? ” etcetera. I will answer all of them in the article “The immune diet – eating without stress”. Expect her!

reduce stress with workout

Sources used for reduce stress with workout :

  1. Jutta Poschet & dr. med. Jürgen K. Juchheim ” Allergie ”, 1992 BLV Verlagsgesellshaft mbH, Munich / Germany

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