Phytoestrogens – A good Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Phytoestrogens ? When the word “hormones” is mentioned, most of us have a clue about sex. And indeed, testosterone and estrogen perform a vital function related not only to sexual energy, but also to maintaining good health.

Reaching a certain age, the body of modern women undergo changes (menopause; postoperative removal of the ovaries, which is often associated with neuro – vegetative manifestations – sweating, insomnia, mood swings; we can add the later developing osteoporosis), which are associated with a reduction in the amount of these hormones. An alternative is needed to compensate for this loss, and sometimes natural medicines are better than synthetic medicines. And this alternative is called phytoestrogen.

What are phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin that are analogs of female sex hormones. Once in a woman’s body, phytoestrogens are able to regulate synthesis and compensate for the lack of estrogen to the level on which a woman’s appearance and health depend. They do not have nutritional properties, because the lack of intake does not lead to deficiency.

The name of phytoestrogens is completely conditional, as estrogens in mammals are random to cholesterol and are made up of four fused carbon rings, like all steroids. And phytoestrogens are chemically considered polyphenols and show structural and functional similarity to estradiol. The phenolic ring can interact with two estrogen receptors by activating or inhibiting them.

Phytoestrogens are a heterogeneous group of different compounds: flavonols (quercetin, muricetin, kaempferol), flavones (luteolin, apigenin), catechins, flavonones, anthocyanins. Two main classes are formed, which are of medical interest:

Isoflavones and ligands

Isoflavones – they have the most powerful action among plant estrogens (isoflavonoids, isoflavonones, isoflavones, kumestans, pterocarpans), which are characteristic secondary ingredients in plants of the Leguminosae family. They are inactive molecules when they are in the form of glucosides (genistin and daidzin), but as aglucones (genistein and daidzein) they are active. Isoflavones have a beneficial effect, such as:

  • estrogens (reduce menopausal complaints and especially hot flashes) and antiestrogens;
  • anti-cancer substances;
  • antioxidants (their antioxidant action is potentiated when used concomitantly with vitamin C, and also depends on the number and location of hydroxyl groups);
  • substances that strengthen the immune system.

As a result of all these actions, isoflavones can be considered to play a role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease (isoflavones have a protective effect against the cytotoxic effect of LDL), the symptoms of menopause and menopause, osteoporosis and cancer. The accumulation of isoflavones is found mainly in the grains, pods, fruits, roots and leaves of plants.

Rich in isoflavones are: wheat, rye, corn, beans, lentils, and soy products are especially rich. Soy isoflavones are weak estrogens and the most important of them for human health are genistene and daizen. Some of these two isoflavones are in the free state in soybeans, and others are bound to glucose, such as glucosides. In the intestinal tract, glucose is released from isoflavones, so the amount of genisten and daizen increases. In soy foods, the concentration is high, reaching 3 mg / g, and the ratios and amounts of the two isoflavones vary, but all traditional soy products such as tofu, soy milk, tempeh and miso are a rich source.

  • Liganes – from a chemical point of view are dibenzylbutanes. Plant ligands are metabolized in the human body to enterolactone and enterodiol. Cereals and oilseeds are rich in ligands – for example: flax, hemp seeds, nuts, etc ..

Hormone replacement therapy or phytoestrogen therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy with estrogen, like all preventive methods of treatment has its pros and cons. Most women prefer it because of the positive effects on vasomotor syndromes, depression and other emotional disorders that occur during menopause.

The protective effect of estrogens on the cardiovascular system and on the bone structure has also been proven. But, on the other hand, despite the pronounced beneficial effects, this treatment is very hesitant, because there are some very serious side effects, such as: increased sensitivity and pain in the mammary glands, vaginal bleeding, risk of developing endometrial cancer, other hormonal – dependent neoplastic processes, resumption of menstrual bleeding.

As a result, in recent years, scientists have relied on the idea of ​​using natural medicines containing phytoestrogens as a better alternative to hormone replacement therapy. Phytoestrogens, resembling female sex hormones – estrogens, have a similar effect, but significantly weaker effect than them. And they are easily available because soy is one of the foods with the highest content of phytoestrogens. Both sex hormones and phytoestrogens have a protective function for the cardiovascular system.

Additives containing phytoestrogens are distributed in the global pharmaceutical network, which aim to relieve the symptoms of menopause in women. Recently, plant hormones are also used in cosmetics. Many creams advertised as helping to tighten, thicken, and even enlarge the bust contain phytoestrogens. It is known that in women whose body does not produce enough estrogen, there is an underdeveloped bust.

With age, estrogen production decreases and this is one of the reasons for sagging breasts. Stimulation of estrogen receptors with plant hormones can enlarge a woman’s breasts by up to 150%. Unbelievable, but a fact!

Does excessive use of phytoestrogens endanger our health?

Opinions of scientists about the effect of phytoestrogens are very contradictory. They believe that excessive use of plant hormones seriously harms women’s health. Scientists warn women not to overdo soy products because too much estrogen in the body increases the risk of breast cancer.

Studies show that in small doses phytoestrogens act like human sex hormones – estrogens, but in large doses threaten their action and production. But to get the desired effect from the use of phytoestrogens, the best solution is timely consultation with a specialist who can determine the necessary amounts so that plant hormones are beneficial to your health.


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