Max-OT Maximum Overload Training

Maximum muscle growth in minimal time

Max-OT in its original form (developed by the company AST) is a 12-week program with one main goal: maximum muscle growth in minimal time. The program follows specific principles that will examine in more detail.

To achieve each goal has several ways. We can not go on all at once, because it would be ineffective.

Training are no exception and to achieve each specific goal will find enough ways. The question is who will choose to work optimally for us.

To focus on one of the methods aimed at increasing strength and training with high intensity, namely – Max-OT.

Will present the principles of the program in its original form, and the subsequent material will consider specific workouts set by company founder AST.

What is Max-OT?

The program is aimed at training for results and continuous progress in minimum time.

In its original form Max-OT lasts 12 weeks.

The principles embodied in it, help provoking muscle growth and increase strength indicators.

The program is suitable for both professional athletes and amateurs.

Basic principles of the program:

These are specified number of repetitions, sets and rest, and a set of specific requirements to help specific purpose.

  • Each workout is lasting 30-40 minutes.
  • To train one or maximum two muscle groups in one workout (for the day).
  • In particular workout to make a total of 6-9 heavy sets per muscle group.
  • Heavy series to be with reps in the range 4-6.
  • Breaks between sets of 2-3 minutes.
  • Each muscle group should not be trained more than once every 5-7 days.
  • Every 8-10 weeks of training is needed respite from 1 week.

30-40-minute workout

Max-OT goals maximum muscular effort for minimal time and training, which lasts more than 40 minutes, not rooted in the principles.

According to the program, if you train for 30-40 minutes, we will be able to provide greater focus and intensity will be maintained at a high level.

We will reduce the risk of overtraining and optimize the anabolic window, triggered by high intensity training.

No more than 1-2 muscle groups in training

This is necessary to be able to train harder and intense, with a better focus.

The generated power will be harnessed in a small number of muscle groups and this will allow optimum load.

Heavy series are 6-9 in number

No matter how many exercises you do for a specific muscle group.

The total number of heavy series should be between 6 and 9.

In the Max-OT series we have severe when gravity allows execution of at least 4 and not more than 6 repeats.

Heating series are not included in the total.

It is important to refuse to go alone, ie excluded drop series partial help from a training partner and others.

4-6 repetitions in series

They say this is the heart of the program and given persecuted purpose and specific training of certain muscle fibers, I agree with that.

The weight should be well judged: if you can not do 4 reps, it’s too heavy, and if you can reach more than 6 reps, it is too light.

Such series (4-6 reps) have a big advantage – better focus and concentration than in 10-12 reps, for example.

Rest between sets of 2-3 minutes

Series are severe, and so that each subsequent be performed with optimal intensity have enough time for short-term recovery.

Time that depleted energy in muscle cells will be restored.

This, of course, individually. Some people need 90 seconds, while others would come to 3 more minutes.

Therefore, under this program will supersets, prediztoshtavane, forced series and other similar principles.

Not intended muscle wasting and muscle overload.

Each muscle group to train every 5-7 days

This point is important for recovery, and this in turn is essential for muscle growth. Not random words that vacation born champion.

Some people think that is enough muscle group to be trained only once, but it is not (provided that the train really hard and optimal).

1 Week break every 8-10 weeks training

This rule is in line with the above point, and should not be missed.

This week does not make any more serious aerobic or anaerobic load and paying special attention to food. Look for quality sources of macronutrients and enough protein.

Benefits of the program would derive:

  • professional bodybuilders;
  • lovers having enough experience and aimed at muscle strength and growth;
  • athletes from specific sports that require strength and agility;
  • strength athletes.

Personal experience

I admit that I have no experience with the original type of program. I know that many consumers vam at the newspaper are trained (or train at the moment) as Max-OT principles.

I invite them to share their experiences and results. Boyan Kalinov – Boby, especially throwing the gauntlet of you. With such long experience in Max-OT, your opinion will be useful (at least for me).

I keep a lot of things out in Max-OT in one way or another. More than eight months train each muscle group once a week and I came to this conclusion after more than a year loaded them twice. As a result, upload and restore power really completely before the next workout.

What I can say from personal experience is that the holiday is really important. Not only between sets, but a few weeks difficult training.

I guess that proves more difficult part. Sometimes (at least I do) we say: “But how will rest for so long, and you will lose your accomplishments ?!” If we trained high intensity and heavy, one week without training not only will not stop us, and even help us.

Max-OT is just that: high intensity training in minimal time and with enough rest. To achieve optimum results.



Be sure that you ensure enough calories for recovery and muscle building; watch individual macronutrients – important as proteins and carbohydrates and fats. The ratio between them must comply with nutritional principles that follow, but it is such that you recover really well.

Council in AST is frequent meals.