Kiwi – a small vitamin – “bomb” What’s is so special

Why kiwi is so special ? A good helper during the diet

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) is a species of angiosperm of the genus Actinidia. “Named” is the national and coat of arms of New Zealand. From there the plant was transferred to South America and the Kuril Islands. It was later acclimatized in Europe, including Bulgaria. In our country this fruit was imported from France a little more than ten years ago and so far it is grown in some varietal testing stations, mainly in the warmer regions of the country. It is grown very well in China and the Far East.
It is a tree-like tall shrub – a perennial vine, reaching 20 meters, with very large (15-20 cm), beautiful leaves falling in autumn. Actinidia is a dioecious unisexual plant – there are males and females that are pollinated by bees and wind. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in late October and are ready to eat in December. They are cylindrically rounded, weighing from 50 to 100 grams.
There are many wild species of kiwi. There are only two cultivars – Actinidia chinensis and Actinidia deliciosa, intended for fresh consumption. They have a brown, soft, hairy shell and a grassy green, juicy and soft core. Around it are small black seeds, which are extremely rich in vitamins.
Its fruits are similar in size and shape to small potatoes. In the 19th century, wild forms came to New Zealand and became the basis of today’s varieties. Today, most of these fruits are produced by New Zealand and Chile – 270,000-280,000 tons per year.

Kiwi is a capricious and demanding plant, the cultivation of which requires regular watering and high humidity. Prefers western exposure. Its light shading works well. Requires soil with a light mechanical composition, without limestone. When at rest, it tolerates temperatures down to minus 30 degrees. Propagated most easily and quickly by rooting green and mature cuttings.

Nutritional composition of kiwi

100 grams of this exotic fruit contains 49 kilocalories, 0 g of fat, 1 g of protein, 11 g of carbohydrates and 2.6 g of fiber. The fruits contain 80+% water, 18% dry matter, in which 9-12% sugars, 1% acids, 1.6% proteins, over 300 mg of vitamin C. It also contains vitamin B1, vitamin A, the enzyme sea anemone or actinidine (which helps digest meat), mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron, etc.

Health benefits

Kiwi is called by Eastern peoples “the fruit of health” due to its relatively high content of vitamins. Some call it a “vitamin bomb”, and the reason for this lies in the content of various valuable substances under the peel of the green fruit – sugars, organic acids, pectin, phytoncides, vitamin P and most of all – vitamin C.

Kiwi is extremely rich in vitamin C – it contains more than any other citrus fruit and 8-10 times more than the amount contained in the lemon. The content of potassium, calcium, cellulose, sodium, magnesium and iron should not be overlooked. All of the above suggests healing properties. It is recommended for exhaustion and weakness, after severe infectious diseases, for physical and mental overload, for digestive problems and lazy intestines.

The juice is especially useful as a prophylactic to increase the body’s defenses against colds and infections. That is why its intake is very appropriate during the winter months, when the body weakens as a whole. Kiwi helps with many diseases associated with bleeding, infectious diseases, colds, flu, pneumonia, anemia, infections.

The fruit is very suitable for people who have undergone operations in which the wounds are difficult to heal or have severe bone fractures. Due to its ability to “burn” fat in the arteries and thus reduce the risk of blood clots, kiwi can contribute a lot in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Due to the high content of vitamin C and its valuable mineral composition, kiwi is a powerful immunostimulant, a strong antioxidant, an enzymatic cofactor necessary for the normal metabolic functions in the body, with a role in the formation of collagen, ie. for connective tissue repair.

How to choose a kiwi and what to cook with it

When buying kiwis you should choose firm and healthy fruits. At room temperature for several days ripen. If stored in the refrigerator, this period is extended to several weeks. During this time, the kiwi does not lose its taste and nutritional properties due to its hairy greenish-brown skin. As a fruit, kiwi is eaten after peeling the hairy skin and has exceptional taste and health qualities.

It is also used in cooking to flavor and soften meat and fish. These qualities of kiwi are due to the enzyme actinidine. It makes the meat more tender. In addition to fresh consumption, the fruits are also used for processing. It is consumed fresh, dried, used to make syrups, jams, marmalades, jams, creams, salads, dishes, ice cream and other foods and beverages. The specific sweet and sour taste of the fruit makes it very suitable for breakfast, fruit salads and cocktails.

In the form of drinks, kiwi participates in all combinations for diet juices, fresh non-alcoholic cocktails with other fruits, alcoholic cocktails with vodka, bourbon, tequila, campari, etc. In confectionery, kiwi is used in its raw state, because during heat treatment it changes its taste and color. It is preferred for decorating cakes, pancakes, fruit salads and more. Some use it along with lemon to decorate meat dishes and fish. When cooked, it loses its properties. Therefore, it is recommended to be served in its natural form. Then the kiwi retains its color and all the freshness of taste. For lovers of both salty and sweet, we present a recipe with kiwi.

Kiwi salad:

Necessary products for 2 people: 1 kiwi, tomato, a bunch of basil, 2 hard-boiled eggs, green lemon, olive oil, grated Parmesan, a clove of garlic, 200 g of tender bacon.

Preparation: Boil and peel the tomato, cut into two halves, removing the seeds and juice. The core is finely chopped. Peel a kiwi and cut it lengthwise, removing the hard part, and cut the soft part into small pieces. Stir in the tomatoes, 3 tablespoons olive oil, garlic and a few basil leaves. The bacon, cut into thin strips, is arranged on a plate. Place a little tomato and kiwi on each bacon, sprinkle with finely chopped egg and parmesan. Garnish with thin slices of lemon. Sprinkle with black pepper.

Kiwi ice cream:

Required products: 4 pcs. kiwis, peeled and sliced; 500 ml unsweetened apple juice; 1 tbsp. lemon juice; 1 tsp grated orange peel. Preparation: Kiwi, apple and lemon juice are whipped. Add the orange peel. The resulting mixture is left in the freezer to harden, then whipped until it becomes fluffy ice cream. Return to the freezer until hardened. Leave at room temperature for about 10 minutes before serving.

Health risks

With the coming of summer, the abundance of fruits and vegetables is growing. More and more people are emphasizing salads and aromatic spices. However, all of them, in addition to being useful, can also be harmful to health. The reason is that many people are allergic to some of them. Celery and kiwi are the most common causes of allergic reactions among spices and fruits. Kiwi can lead from a mild to extremely severe allergic reaction.

The delicious fruit can be especially dangerous for children. Among adults, a reaction usually occurs in those people who are sensitive to birch pollen. The reason is that kiwis and tree seeds have the same allergens. With heavy consumption of kiwi may develop an allergic reaction, characterized by severe itching in the mouth, swelling of the lips, swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and hence difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Cooking and roasting fruits and vegetables reduces their allergic potential. The degree of maturation also matters. The more ripe the fruit, the greater the chance of problems. It is interesting to know that most patients with latex allergy also have cross-allergies to certain foods, including kiwis, bananas, chestnuts, avocados and tomatoes.

Suitable ingredient for cosmetic products

Due to the vitamins contained in kiwi, it is very useful for facial skin. Its ingredients are useful for toning, cleansing and tightening the skin, giving it a youthful appearance. Kiwi makes the skin irresistible. Kiwi fruit extract helps restore skin radiance, reduces fine lines, moisturizes and removes dark circles under the eyes.

It is an extremely suitable ingredient for cosmetic products with anti-aging effect. Its main function in cosmetics is to remove dead skin cells, smooth the relief and stimulate the metabolism of epidermal cells – this is thanks to the enzymes and vitamins it contains. Many leading cosmetic brands use kiwi extract for the production of face and hand creams, toning and cleansing products for the face, face masks, peeling products.

Due to the risk of an allergic reaction, a sensitivity test must be performed before the kiwi is used as a beauty product. This is done by applying kiwi puree to the crease of the arm for a few minutes. If there are no unpleasant sensations and redness, you can take advantage of its beauty properties.

For lovers of homemade masks we offer the following two suggestions:

  • Cleansing mask – mash a kiwi well until a homogeneous mixture. Apply generously on the face. If the mask pinches slightly, then it is effective. After 15 minutes, remove the mixture with lukewarm water and apply a light moisturizer.
  • Nourishing mask – mix half a banana and one kiwi to form a homogeneous mixture. Add two teaspoons of squeezed yogurt. Apply the mask on a pre-cleansed face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then remove with lukewarm water.

A good helper during the diet

One of the biggest advantages of kiwi is that it is low in calories. We can safely attribute it to foods with “negative calories”, in the absorption of which the body loses more calories than it receives. Kiwi is an excellent fruit for those who follow a diet, as it is low in calories and easily digestible by the body.

The content of the enzyme actinidine, which is very favorable for the breakdown of the meat assimilated by the body, especially red, contributes to the excellent dietary properties of the fruit. Regular consumption of kiwi can definitely help your weight gain. In addition, you will benefit from its rich content of minerals and vitamins, which are extremely useful for everyone’s health!

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