Isotonic drinks – content and uses Are they really useful or are we just throwing money to the wind?

In this article we will pay attention to the special class of isotonic drinks. These are drinks designed to help athletes during training. Whether they really contribute to a more complete workout remains to be seen.

Which drink is in the “isotonic” class?

Isotonic are drinks that contain mineral salts that compensate for the loss of electrolytes in the process of sweating during active exercise. The salts are dissolved in an aqueous solution with up to 5% glucose content (isotonic solution). Often various vitamins and microelements are added to the solution.

Main active substances in isotonic drinks

Mineral salts of macronutrients

  • Sodium salts – are involved in salt balance and cell pressure between cell membranes and intercellular substance;
  • Calcium salts – calcium ions are involved in muscle contractions and bone mineralization;
  • Potassium salts – potassium ions are extremely important for the functioning of the heart and nervous system, which are tense during exercise, are in balance with sodium, calcium and chlorine ions;
  • Magnesium salts – help muscle recovery, and this is very important in weight training, in addition to participating in the acid-base balance in the body, which is disturbed by catabolic processes due to the presence of large amounts of lactic acid.

Sources of energy

  • Maltodextrin – 10% faster digestible carbohydrates than glucose, contains 4 kcal / g;
  • Glucose – the usual source of energy in isotonics;
  • L-carnitine – an energy carrier of triglycerides from the cellular cytoplasm to the mitochondria, increases efficient fat metabolism.


  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) – guarantee the stability of various critical and intense catabolic processes in cells;
  • Vitamin “C” – an important antioxidant, especially during aerobic exercise.

Mineral salts of microelements

Copper salts – supply copper, extremely important for the immune system, which is subjected to stress during active sweating; Zinc salts – supply zinc, which is important for many processes in the nervous system, protein synthesis and has an indirect stimulating function on androgenesis; Iron salts – the effect of iron imports is observed strategically, because it is most important for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells; Iodine salts – iodine regulates metabolism by acting on the thyroid gland, so it can not be present in isotonic drinks.

Toning agents

  • Caffeine – The caffeine content for a beverage dose is usually below 80 mg / 500 ml. This determines the refreshing and toning functions of isotonics, without making them energy drinks.

When and how to use isotonic drinks?

The greatest benefit of using isotonic drinks to restore electrolyte balance is undoubtedly felt in the summer season. Although sold primarily as sports drinks, electrolyte intake is important for anyone who sweats.

This suggests that the best time to take isotonic drinks is during a workout, in small portions.

Here are the more important reasons to use them:

  • It is better than tap water. The latter, taken during exercise, can cause water intoxication;
  • Protects against dehydration;
  • Refreshes almost as much as a cup of coffee;
  • Provides valuable vitamins that our bodies expend in various metabolic, catabolic and anabolic processes during and after training;
  • Provides valuable minerals needed for muscle recovery.

Recommendations and precautions

Two types of isotonic drinks are sold on the market – weakly mineralized (hypotonic) and highly mineralized (hypertensive). The intake of the second group is required for aerobic training or a series of aerobic-anaerobic loads lasting two hours or more.

  • It is not recommended to combine energy drinks with tonic isotonic drinks;
  • Avoid isotonic drinks with more than 5% sugar content and do not consume drinks containing more than 10-12.5 g of sugar within 30 minutes. That is, if you take an isotonic drink with 5% sugar content, drink it slowly within an hour to an hour and a half;
  • If you use high-dose sports vitamin or mineral formulas, be careful with the consumption of isotonic drinks, as some vitamins and minerals are at risk of overdose.

Sources  used for Isotonic drinks :

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