Hunger for sweet food – how to deal with this “vice”?

Hunger for sweet food , Let’s not blame our souls. Eating chocolate, candy or other similar sweet temptations is great fun. It is so fun that it has become one of the most common “vices” that many people want to get rid of. However, getting rid of sugary foods turns out to be almost a mission impossible for some people. According to them, they are almost addicted to this type of food.

In this article, you will learn the reasons why it is so difficult for a person to stop these foods and what tricks you can use to deal with this problem. In order to deal with this, and not only this problem, it is important to understand the reasons for its existence. However, the reason for the hunger for sweets is not only one, but there are several possible ones and in the following lines we will look at the 3 most important of them, and finally you will learn a very important bonus trick that you can apply in your daily life. .

Cause №1: Energy / calorie deficiency

Let’s start with the fact that the hunger for sweets and sweet foods is sometimes caused not because of the desire for their sweet taste, but because of a lack of energy in our body.

If we do not eat well systematically and consume much less calories and energy than our body actually needs, as a protective reaction, our brain increases our desire for foods that are high in calories.

And sweet foods are just that. Most of them are a pure calorie bomb and are packed with carbohydrates and fats, which are absorbed and enter our bloodstream very quickly. That is why the brain directs us to this type of food. Their sweetness and their taste also contribute, but from another point of view, which we will pay attention to after a while.

For now, however, it is important to understand that if you are constantly hungry for sweet temptations, it is likely, consciously or not, to maintain a calorie deficit. If this is indeed the case, then the solution is simple. Just start eating more food and eating a little more calories, unless of course you maintain this calorie deficit intentionally, in order to lose weight, for example.

Reason №2: Deficiency of macro / micro nutrients

If increasing your diet doesn’t work, you may not be increasing your diet properly. This is the second possible cause of hunger for sweet food. In order to be healthy and for our body to function properly, it needs certain nutrients in certain amounts.

Many people forget this and do not choose their food according to its composition, but according to what it tastes like or according to what choice they have at the moment. And unfortunately, these things are not always rich in important nutrients for our body.

That is why one of the main goals of our services is to teach the people we work with why food is actually important to us, what it contains and how to select it so that it both provides us with the necessary amounts of important nutrients and is delicious.

If we fail to get enough protein or a vitamin or mineral, our body tries to direct us to food that contains the missing ingredient, but unfortunately this system does not always work perfectly and instead of grabbing the right food we need , we grab the first thing we have on hand, and nowadays the first thing we have on hand is usually a sugar product. That’s why my advice here is to make sure that your diet does not suffer from serious nutrient deficiencies and you manage to get all the important ones in the necessary quantities.

Including how much water you drink, as the thirst for water is also sometimes confused with food cravings Hunger for sweet food by some people.

Reason №3: Emotional eating and Hunger for sweet food

Another very common reason is the so-called emotional eating. The main reason we have to eat is to live and for our body to function optimally. Food is just a tool to make this happen. It is simply energy, a collection of nutrients.

For many people, however, nutrition is more than that. It is pleasure, it is pleasure, it is experience and emotion. It is something that makes you feel better, calmer and happier. In fact, this is no accident. Food affects our physiology and our body, for example, it helps the secretion of the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for making us feel happy, satisfied and rewarded.

And while there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s actually a big problem for some people, without even realizing it. In our modern society, most of us are exposed to high levels of stress, we have a bunch of tasks to do, personal and work commitments, financial difficulties and last but not least, probably each of us suffers from various uncertainties regarding the view of our own self.

Not all of us manage to cope with all this, and for some the sum of these things leads to unhappiness and a number of negative emotions such as anger, boredom, sadness and others. In this way, on one side of us are all the things that make us unhappy, and on the other side is the food that makes us feel good and happy.

It often happens that we use food as a means of dealing with everyday stressors and negative emotions. The more stress and negative emotions arise, the more often and in larger quantities we consume food. Hunger for sweet food

And we do not consume any food, but one that is usually very tasty and very high in calories. Confectionery and sweets, for example, are ideal for this purpose.

In fact, the producers of these foods themselves know this and have the priority of inventing a combination of carbohydrates, fats and other “spices” that will cause the strongest positive reaction in the consumer’s brain. Therefore, even with negative emotions in our daily lives, these foods attract us the most. In this case, the solution to the problem, not only in the short term, but also in the long term, is to find the negative emotions and situations that make us feel them and find an alternative, different from food way to we deal with them.

We need to make sure that the reason for eating is only the real feeling of hunger, the physiological need for energy and nutrients, and not various negative emotions.

Bonus tip: change at home for Hunger for sweet food

Assuming you’ve filled in the gaps in getting enough energy, nutrients, and not eating emotionally, there’s one more thing that can be very helpful, but many people fail to do so. Something that affects our sense of hunger is the very presence of food around us. And the tastier this food is, the more it attracts and stimulates hunger signals in my brain.

If we look at things from an evolutionary point of view, on the one hand it makes sense not to feel hungry if there is no food around us, but it also makes sense to feel hungry to look for food in order to survive. In modern society, however, it is not a question of survival, but of the fact that we are often subjected to a number of psychological factors and stressors, which I mentioned above, which in combination with food around us, make us unconsciously overeat.

For example, put a bowl of nuts next to someone without telling them and make them pay attention and watch how it will be swept within a few hours, even if the person does not feel hungry. It will happen completely unconsciously. In this regard, many people keep in stock various sweet temptations in their home and do not realize that subconsciously it encourages them to consume them and strengthens their desire for them.

That’s why my advice is, if you are one of these people, to get rid of these foods and not keep them in your home. And, no, keeping them in a locker where you won’t see them doesn’t count, because you’ll subconsciously know they’re there. Ideally, there will be absolutely no such food around you. The first days may be strange and uncomfortable, but after a few days you will see that you will think far less about them and you will not feel such a strong attachment.

The same goes for the workplace and other places where you spend part of your daily life, although unfortunately we do not have much control over some of them. There are some companies, for example, whose policy includes having such temptations everywhere in the office, completely free of charge, which we think is an extremely bad idea.

In such cases, one option is to try to talk to your boss and even organize yourself to do this with other people who support this idea, but if that doesn’t work … you just have to rely on your will or to try some other tricks that may be helpful. However, remember that it is not necessary to exclude sweet foods completely from your menu. You just have to consume them under control and in moderation.

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