Ginger – Better in a food Supplement than in Spice for Cooking

For most people, especially those with knowledge of culinary arts, ginger is just a fragrant spice.

If you are one of them, it is good to know that the phytochemicals contained in ginger make it the number 1 antioxidant in the plant world.

What is Ginger?

Ginger is the popular name of the perennial plant Zingiber officinale. His homeland is believed to be ancient China. In our daily lives, ginger is present primarily on the table – as a spice used in various dishes. Research conducted in recent years gives it a whole new place in our lives – as a health care supplement no worse than the exotic-sounding ginkgo biloba and cat’s claw.

Ginger contains 14 main bioactive components, the main properties of which are due to phenols known as ginger. The root also contains quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, naringin, catechins and small amounts of curcumin. The total content of flavonoids per gram of dry weight exceeds that of garlic, onion, black tea and papaya.

What is it used for and what are the health benefits of ginger?

Ginger contains about 3% essential oils, which give it an exotic aroma. Its aromatic oils contain various phytochemicals. The highest percentage is zingibirin, and lower concentrations contain bisabolin and farnesin. Medicine knows different benefits from the use of ginger extracts:


  • Supports cases of dyspepsia and indigestion by locally increasing blood flow in the digestive system;
  • Accelerates the digestion of food in the intestines and their faster emptying;
  • Helps in cases of colic, nausea, vomiting. It is especially effective in nausea caused by pregnancy and seasickness;
  • Potential benefits in the prevention of colon cancer, but more research is needed;
  • Possible enhancement of the thermal effect of food.

Cardiovascular :

  • It is thought to block LDL cholesterol oxidation;
  • Increases the levels of good cholesterol – HDL;
  • Potential benefits for lowering blood triglycerides;
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Musculoskeletal system:

  • It has significant anti-inflammatory properties, successfully regulating inflammatory markers. Like aspirin, ginger inhibits proinflammatory prostaglandins and arachidonic acid metabolism, and the mechanism is associated with effects on the enzyme COX-2. This effect also opens a second front of the anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing leukotrienes, which are inflammatory mediators produced in leukocytes;
  • Reduces muscle pain and muscle inflammation that result from heavy training;
  • Suppresses the symptoms of osteoarthritis, although it gives way to anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen. Its action is expressed in the suppression of pain and regulation of edema;
  • Ginger regulates proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 in cartilage tissue. At this stage, the properties to slow the development of arthritis are potential, as in-vitro studies confirm them, but additional observations in humans are needed;
  • Inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines in brain cells;
  • In vitro, the suppressive effect on nuclear factor kappa-B, which is an expression of inflammatory processes at the DNA level, has been confirmed;

Nervous system:

  • There is evidence that the intake of ginger extracts suppresses anxiety. The mechanisms are not yet clear. All that is known is that the effect is enhanced when taken with ginkgo biloba;
  • Inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines in brain cells;
  • Demonstrates improved memory and reduced response time in the elderly.

Immune system:

  • It has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • The substances contained in ginger extract are considered to be among the strongest antibacterial agents. There is evidence of their lethal action against bacteria that are resistant to a number of antibiotics.

Hormonal balance:

  • Use of 1000 mg of extract significantly improves severe menstrual pain;
  • Reduces to 53.7% lipid peroxidation in the testes of impotent men;
  • Increases luteinizing hormone, the quantity and quality of semen in impotent men;
  • Potential benefits for increasing testosterone with long-term use, but at this stage only studies have been done on impotent men.

Side effects of ginger consumption

Allergic reactions may occur. Mood swings have rarely been reported in people taking the herb extract.

Who and in combination with what should not take ginger?

Ginger roots have been declared a safe food by the Food and Beverage Administration, which maintains food standardization and approval in the United States.

However, if you decide to take ginger extract, consult your doctor first.

This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children. It is not advisable to take ginger without consulting people with gallstones, cardiovascular problems, brain tumors or other diseases of the brain tissue.

To improve digestion, ginger is successfully combined with digestive enzymes, mint, sage and fennel seeds. For a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, the combination of ginger with glucosamine, boswellia, curcumin and methylsulfonylmethane is recommended. Ginger should not be taken in combination with medications that have a similar effect, such as barbarin and aspirin.

What doses are needed and how is it taken?

The recommended dose for general health effect varies between 500 to 1000 mg of extract per day. The standardized ginger extract has a 5% concentration of aromatic oils. The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger is manifested at doses of 2000 mg of extract per day for a minimum of 28 days. Higher doses of at least 10 grams per day can have a positive effect on testosterone levels and estrogen regulation.

In which sports and health supplements can we find it?

Most often, ginger extracts are sold alone or as part of a formula of complex antioxidants. Sometimes it is used in enzyme formulas that improve digestion, and you can also find it in anti-inflammatory or joint-supporting complexes.

Sources used :


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