Fish and its ingredients – do you know what are its advantages ?

Fish is one of the most important and complete bodybuilding foods. This group of foods has for centuries occupied a worthy place in human nutrition, and in recent decades has become indispensable for athletes. Fish contains large amounts of important vitamins for the body – A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, niacin (PP).

Nutritional benefits of fish consumption

The proteins that make up fish meat have a balanced amino acid composition that is not inferior to the proteins in the meat of warm-blooded animals. Due to the significantly lower content of connective tissue, fish proteins are more easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract and digested faster, which makes it a suitable food for both the growing bodybuilder and fitness-training individuals.

Every bodybuilder in a period of relief should think about how to take advantage of the benefits of this food. Bodybuilders who have a tendency to retain subcutaneous fat are also advised to turn to fish dishes. Ladies trying to lose weight will find fish for a nice variety in front of chicken breasts and skim milk and cheese.

Nutritional properties of fish

Fish contains complete proteins with a balanced amino acid composition and high digestibility, fats and a complex of minerals. The presence of vitamins forms the favorable organoleptic (building), physico-chemical and medico-biological characteristics of this type of meat.

Different types of fish can offer quite valuable ingredients to the natural bodybuilder. The meat of most of its representatives is rich in protein and EMC (essential fatty acids) and poor in saturated fats and cholesterol. In addition, it contains virtually no carbohydrates, which makes fish a great food to eat in the second half of the day, as well as in the first half of the night.

Sources of essential fatty acids (ESAs)

The amount of fat in fish varies quite widely (0.5-35%) and depends on the type, age and season of catch. Fats in fish are evenly distributed in muscle tissue and are represented mainly by biologically valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids from the family σ (omega) – 3.

Essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids from two groups – omega 6 / n-6 (linoleic, gamma linolenic, dichomo-gamma linonenic, arachidonic, docosatetraenic and docosapentaenoic fatty acids) and omega 3 / n-3 (alpha-linolenic, eicose) docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids).

The chain length is determined by the number of carbon atoms – they vary from 18 to 22, and the degree of unsaturation is determined by the number of double bonds in their chemical structure.

Omega-6 fatty acids have two double bonds, and omega-3 has three double bonds in the fatty acid chain. They are defined as essential (irreplaceable) for the human body, because animals, including humans, are not able to produce them themselves and need to receive them through food. It is believed that the main credit for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease with increased consumption of fish is precisely the work of these fatty acids

Essential fatty acids have two main metabolic functions – they are an important component of the cell membrane and precursors of eicosanoids. The fatty acid composition of membrane phospholipids, which are an important component of cell membranes, is determined by the content of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acid composition of the food ingested affects some of the membrane functions related to hormonal, enzymatic and transport functions.

They have anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties, there is a lot of data on their impact in a positive direction on the cardiovascular system, and this is important for bodybuilders, because the heart of all hard-training athletes beats many times more than any non-athlete. The prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) formed by fish fats in the body have the ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce platelet aggregation, which explains their protective effect against cardiovascular disease.

In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the immune, endocrine, digestive, sexual and central nervous systems. Some nutritionists even prescribe them as a supplement to increase libido in men over 50. The main dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids are fish and seafood.

What fish to choose?

The type of fish consumed is very important. It is recommended that trout, sardines and other fish rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids be avoided, and that flounder and cod be avoided as they contain less of these valuable ingredients. Mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, leper, swordfish, mekerel and “royal” (pink in color) trout have the highest content of eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic fatty acids.

Main types of fish

According to the amount of fat, fish are divided into three groups:

  • Lean – containing up to 5% fat (hake, cod, silver carp, hake, white fish, turbot, mullet, lefer, ducks, horse mackerel, trout);
  • Semi-fat – containing 5-10% fat (carp, shark, nototen);
  • Fatty – with fat over 10% (sardines).

Useful for bodybuilders is the fact that in general fish meat with a low percentage of fat has a high percentage of protein in its composition. Fish is a rich source of minerals. In terms of calcium and phosphorus content, it ranks after milk and dairy products, but before meat. Especially in marine fish, the amount of iodine and fluoride is significant, while products of terrestrial origin are relatively poor in these two trace elements.

Possible side effects from fish consumption

Eating large amounts of some species of fish, which are known to be high in mercury, can cause brain dysfunction in people who consume them systematically. Experts from the European Food and Health Administration advise the population to limit and even avoid the consumption of shark, swordfish and mackerel.

Toxicologists believe that a person needs to change their eating habits regarding the consumption of certain types of fish, as mercury has the ability to accumulate in the body and give toxic effects. A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University reveals through a series of neurological tests that people exposed to methylmercury have impaired brain function.

For example, swordfish are known to contain a lot of mercury. It is found in relatively small quantities in mussels, crabs, cod, salmon, flounder, cod, but accumulates in the food chain and is in the highest concentration in large predatory fish – shark, swordfish and mackerel.

Each bodybuilder can make his own judgment from what has been written so far. We advise bodybuilders who have decided to include fish as a main dish in their diet, as well as those who already use it, to rotate, ie. to rotate the consumption of several species of fish during the day.

The most suitable for the relief period are cod, white fish and hake, as well as all predatory fish with less than 6% fat content. In the period of mass accumulation, rely on bonito, herring, leper and pike. If your goal is increased consumption of EMF, then salmon is your food (for others see above). Enjoy your meal!


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