Coenzyme Q10 – For Energy and Prolonging Youth

Coenzyme Q10 is widely advertised in cosmetics as a substance that gives health and longevity to the skin. The real benefit to the health of the heart and all the cells that convert energy begins with its additional intake. The reason is the fact that natural levels of Q10 begin to slowly decrease after reaching the age of 20.

What is Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 (isoprenyl benzoquinone / ubiquinone) is a vitamin-like substance natural to the human body.

What do we need to know about Q10?

Q10 is found in all human cells. It is most abundant in the inner membranes of cellular mitochondria, but can also be found in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (EP network), peroxisomes and lysosomes.

Its functions are associated with a key role in the processes of energy generation and more precisely the transfer of electrons in the energy chains of the inner mitochondrial membranes during the synthesis of ATP.

Generally speaking, 95% of all ATP energy molecules are synthesized in the body using ubiquinone (the natural form of coenzyme Q10). Q10 is thought to be synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum. It is found in the largest quantities in cells with high production activity: heart cells, liver cells, spleen cells and pancreas. Apart from its importance for the body’s energy efficiency, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10H2) shows proven antioxidant properties.

What is Q10 used for?

Consumption of Q10 is thought to lead to its accumulation in the mitochondria of cells and thus maintain the constant synthesis of ATP by reducing the levels of free radicals passing through cell and mitochondrial membranes.

Proven benefits:

  • increases / improves energy generation;
  • strengthens the heart;
  • slows down aging – antioxidant.

Assumptions and unproven claims:

  • supports and stimulates fat loss;
  • improves the functions of the immune system;
  • increases aerobic endurance – a controversial theory for which there is no ultimate general opinion;
  • lowers blood pressure – to a small extent.

The greatest conflict of scientific opinion is on the assumption that taking large doses of Q10 can improve energy efficiency in athletes by increasing aerobic energy production. Some studies support the theory, others deny it.

What are the possible harmful / side effects when taking it?

Q10 is a well-studied substance. It is believed that there are no serious side effects when taken in the recommended doses. Cases of stomach irritation, abdominal pain, nausea and headache have been reported.

What are the optimal doses for Coenzyme Q10 ?

Consumption of 50 to 100 mg of Q10 per day is considered well studied and sufficient to monitor the proven effects of vitamin-like factor. In a study of active athletes with doses of 120 mg per day for 20 days, muscle tissue damage was observed, probably due to over-acidification and the high presence of free radicals in the muscles due to daily high loads.

How to accept Coenzyme Q10 ?

One 50 mg tablet every 12 hours. Generally speaking, one morning and one evening.

In which sports and health supplements can we find Q10?

Most often Coenzyme Q10 is used in complex antioxidants, along with vitamin C and vitamin E. For some time now, it has been used in a new generation of supplements for energy and endurance, as an ergogen.

Sources used for Coenzyme Q10 :

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