
Aging, Theories and causes

Aging. The inevitable enemy and afraid of everyone, young and old. What really is and how to manage it? Is it possible at all?

Aging is a natural process of fatigue accumulated in the tissues of the human body. Its visible aspects of the skin and general appearance of the face – the accumulation of fat, wrinkles, slowness of movement.

Invisible aspects are even more: changes in blood pressure in the sugar content of the blood in fat metabolism, hormonal changes, osteoporosis, changes in the heart muscle, muscle atrophy and so on.

Aging – what really is and how to manage it

Aging should not be determined by a popular method as the “death of cells in the body,” because the very mechanism of cell killing is part of the natural ORGANISM cycle, but should be more defined as delay and exhaustion of the regenerative capacity of the body .

In practice aging is a natural process that begins at birth and maintain a sustainable balance between damage and tissue repair until that process has passed a critical point and the losses become higher than the recovery capability. Then aging starting to increasingly visible signs. In parallel, the fatigue of a type of cell – nerve and their loss become a key issue as they are accepted virtually irrecoverable.

This leads to multidimensional manifestations of aging. It is a physiological but psychological, mental and even social phenomenon. There is even a special section in Science, biogerontologiyata that treats aging as a disease and trying to heal. Answers to this question are trying to give a traditional, holistic, homeopathic and even some esoteric and traditional forms of medicine.

Unfortunately we can not talk about how surely stop aging substances which affect and which – not. The truth is, claiming that a substance affects someone can be right. For my self. Aging does not go by the book and for different organisms is different, it’s different in men and women. What at one helped, in another may not work or even be interfering. However, we can talk about theories of aging.

Theories of aging are an amazing lot. Consider, however, the most important of them.

Cell theory

Cell theory of aging has old bases, but recently began to look serious evidence. It actually is not a theory but a set of theories that seek cause of aging in individual cells and its “fatigue.” Aging was observed in cell culture, limiting the ability of cells to divide and proliferate.

This feature is also found in human cells. Priority shall be the function of telomeres (chromosome endings) to shorten its length. It is assumed that in addition to cell division this function is associated with a kind of biological clock of telomeres themselves and also with the enzyme telomerase, which unlocks recovery, but only in some cells.

Minamino (2008) put a serious discussion of the idea of telomere fatigue as telomeres have long-term impact on some cells such as bone marrow and arterial tissues where division continues practically throughout life.

The theory, however, has a wide range opponents (or call them skeptics), such as Blasco and Company (1990), showing that even without the enzyme telomerase in mice does not achieve the expected effect of rapid aging.

Theory of accumulation of DNA damage

Many theories admitted the existence of “genetically aging in cells.” In practice, different races and different species show a tendency to aging, which can be explained only by DNA code.

Here come a number of new ideas, the theory of DNA damage. Based on frequently occurring lesions (or errors) of DNA in the human body, this theory allows changes in DNA and mutations of the lesions are the primary cause of cancer and aging, which is considered as a “family of origin”. Strong support of this theory is the fact that different mammals and races appear to have different age capacity that can be explained just genetic. Occurs earlier as scientifically theory (Alexander, 1967), but today is a relatively aging.

However, it is seriously updated by a wide group of theories about DNA that address aging in relation to DNA but with updated sources.

  • Theory of oxidizing free radicals;
  • Theory of accumulation of waste: biological theory of aging-related accumulation in the cells of toxins or limiting metabolic substances and free radicals and their connection with life irrevocably “authorities” of the cell;
  • Wear and tear – the accumulation of errors and omissions that escalate over time;
  • Somatic mutations – aging as a result of damage to the genetic integrity of the cells of the body;
  • Theory of accumulation of errors: The idea that aging results from random events that gradually damage the genetic code.
    That’s not all of the cell theory, but basically covers the main units.

Less maintained concepts

Aging has hormone theory. She admitted that it was reproductive hormones that fuel growth early in life, eventually weaken and create a negative net effect on the cells themselves (Bowen, 2011). Unfortunately, this theory suffers from quite problematic areas, for example, is unable to explain the process before puberty.

There are a number of autoimmune theories of aging that suggest that it is this somewhat diffuse function of the human body is at the bottom of aging.

There is a theory that reduced over the years tendency of the body to produce proteins (leading to muscle atrophy) is among the causes of aging.

Outside, there are theories of aging functionally – minimum voltage maintenance of high voltage (workload), etc., as opposed to aging.

Theories often associated with the presence of an external component, e.g., a substance that helps the problem. This type theories are divided into several types:

  • Theories of cross-linking – up to cross, atypical compounds that block processes over time;
  • Theory of free radicals – viewed and – above;
  • Theory of accumulated errors and toxins;
  • Calorie abstinence;
  • Glycation – the direct connection of sugars in an uncontrolled way with other compounds and their retention in the body.

The answer is what aging obviously still eludes us. Perhaps this is a complex process chain of events, which includes many of the theories. Demand should continue.