Busy lifestyle ,How to maintain good physical shape

How to maintain good physical shape in busy lifestyle

Whether physical fitness is a privilege only to those who have freely of his time, and you are doomed remaining lifetime of struggle dream so healthy and beautiful body? Not at all. To convince you of this, we suggest a few practical tips to maintain good vitality and how to pursue fitness goals while working.

Revise your training habits

Many of us is painfully familiar to long working hours, lack of energy and motivation after work training abusing the not-so-good food, and mental frustration as a result of these factors. At long time it is naturally not be able to spend two hours of training, shower, change clothes, socializing in the gym and moving home. You can shorten the time spent in the gym at the same time increase the effectiveness of your workout.

If you train for mass or strength, leave your workout more simple and clear from the exercise. Adherence to the basic movements (bench press, squat, thrust, rowing, military presses or push) in small numbers is recommended. If you still want to train a little more than amateur level and are looking for work and proven effective training methods, you can safely peek in the versions of some popular systems such force Smolov in Junior variants thereof or 5-3-1 in its different modalities . There repetitions and sets are fixed and this maximum will orient and allocate time spent in the room.

Avoid isolation exercises, and several exercises focusing on the same muscle group. Use supersets, or trisetove giant series.
If your workouts are oriented towards power endurance or general condition, pay attention to the training system as Rest based training, interval training or circular. Do not be afraid to include in its program basic exercises and combine them with hybrid movements so that you work the whole body in a shortened time interval.
If you are a fan of cardio, replace the long and monotonous work with high intensity interval exercise.
Be creative – at home with minimal or no equipment can also be quite effective in their training. Learn to work better with its own weight and move on to more complex and comprehensive exercises with him. Invest in basic appliances such as a pair of dumbbells, resistance bands, mobile lever dial kettlebell. Cleverly selected combination of the above could interval of 25-30 minutes to provide you with a quality load which bring you many times more benefits than one hour toiling in the hall which of the numerous multifunctional machines to target.
Instead of trying to take two hours out of your day to visit the gym, divide your workout into two shorter – one after getting one at lunchtime or after work. Yes, this option requires a bit more self-discipline and organization, but you will find that perhaps you are more effective. After a period of adaptation he put the body in a specific operation and makes it more effective and operable.

Additional fitness tips for busy people

Shorten the time for rest between sets – this may require some reduction in operating weights, but also has its advantages. Will add power workout aerobic element that will also benefit if you do not have enough time for the planned cardio activity. Let 30 seconds rest between exercises option chosen super-series is a basic guide. Rest between sets let’s not longer than 2 minutes.
Avoid social contacts at the gym – although it is nice occasionally to started talking with “colleagues” that imperceptibly loses a great deal of time available and your concentration.
Listen to music with headphones during exercise. So the rest will tend to bother you less, while music can serve as an additional incentive for training.
Find a gym that is close to your workplace. Even if it is not as well equipped as the one in which you are accustomed to exercise, you can always adapt their training so as not to compromise the results. So you will not lose valuable time in motion. Take 20-25 minutes each morning for total joint warm-up and basic “raztyazhki.” They will provide a fresh start to the day and reduce your time to warm-up before your main workout.
Despite her busy, leave and vacation days of training – this is essential for mental health. Vacationing can be active, leaving very light physical activity during the day but do not feel guilty if your body and your mind need complete rest – sometimes far better to spend my whole day off in bed with a book in hand, than to force yourself to exercise direct power.

Some small tricks

To maintain good vitality than training regime have special relevance nutrition and basic living habits.

Instead of keeping part of her job to “reserves for emergencies” such as chocolates, wafers or pretzels, load with little healthier alternatives – nuts, dark chocolate and others, you can even cook from home various energizing smoothies to eat during the workday.
To stay bodied and fresh during the day, eat several times during the day 4-5 cocoa beans or green tea.
Prepare your food for the day home and her rationing.
Night do not waste unnecessary time on meaningless activities – his lie as early as possible to secure your quality rest and recovery of the body.